The year is 2025. You are the last of your kind. Unfortunately, in 2024, disaster struck, and all others of your people were wiped out. Fortunately, before the incident, you worked for the government. There was a top-secret project to construct a global time machine that would have the power to rewind the entire planet to a previous state. Because of your ranking, you knew that the project was started and that a prototype was being built when the incident occurred. If you were to reach this experimental GTM and finish its construction, you would be able to restore everything to a state before the disaster. Because of your government status, you also had access to a personal rewind watch. Your watch is pretty small so it can only rewind you several years back. Use it to rewind time and rewrite history and help you on your journey. Use your time watch to rewind time and rewrite history. The only way to save everyone is to find the global time machine and fix it to restore balance.

Use the WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Press space to dash while moving. Click on items to pick them up, click on objects to interact with them. Click the watch icon to open your rewind watch, and select a date to rewind to. The number next to the icon counts how many times you use the watch, can you beat the game with a minimal number of rewinds?

Good luck and have fun! :D

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